Is perfectly well-known that all the vegetable & fruit Products suffer a series of alterations during their Post Harvest life, generally determined by the modification of the natural environmental and physical-chemical conditions. The most common effects may be found on the external aspect and taste: weight decrease, freshness, fragrance, taste, colour, ripening degree, presence of moulds and pathogenic agents.

The principal causes that determine such effects are to be referred to the natural physical ownerships of the Air, to those of the Water and to those one intrinsic to every vegetable &fruit product: the Ethylene production.


The Air exends to accumulate damp from the surrounding environment and therefore from the products deposited inside the preserving rooms, notably reducing the quantity of the free water present in the fruit or in the vegetable, and causing the withering and the weight decrease of them.


The Water, fundamental element for the nourishment of the vegetable & fruit products, allows to regenerate the necessary quantity of RH avoiding the withering.


The Ethylene, know as the natural hormone of ripening process, grafts, in an indipendent and autonomus way, the ripening process of the products prevoking, when not correctly checked, the natural over ripening of them.


Since 50 years and with the purpose to obviate these drawbacks, Domenico Brancato has experimented and proposed system & solution for the Exploitation of Fruit & Vegetable Products, optimizing the times and the formatilies of the preserving process, allowing to introduce on the markets fresh and mostly competitive products.



Air depurator


Molecular sieve for ethylene absorption


Filter for ethylene absorption


Fruits & Vegetable preserving


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